Friday, March 12, 2021

Lenten Reflections: Naked

"...just as Christ was raised from the dead through the glory of the Father, we too.."

Romans 6:4 





Life eternal

Truth stands naked in front of us. There is no need or place for subjective clothing. And yet we often have the conditioned tendency to create emotional coverings to cloak the truth. Mental apparel to shield the world from who we really are. Coverings act as barriers between the divine and humanity. Coverings act as barriers between ourselves and others. A shirt of pride. Pants of arrogance. A dress made of fear. Shoes of selfishness. A suit of individualism. 

Coverings conceal our shame so that the true self is kept from being revealed. 

Within the Kingdom of God we all stand naked. Truth becomes obsolete because we no longer need to seek it's definition. Truth simply is what is: Truth is truth.

Through our Christ nature, truth is simply reality. Coverings fall to the floor and we stand completely unashamed before God and others. Complete unity exists when there is nothing between us. 

Just as Christ stood naked, raised from the depths of the earth, we too will one day stand naked, raised from the death. 

Ashes to ashes. Dust to dust.

Lent reveals to us the coverings that we adorn. As we make our way through the Lenten season, we strive to lose these coverings, one by one. As we approach Easter, we embrace more truth about ourselves and others, so that as the sun rises on Sunday, we will rise with Christ; naked and unashamed. 

God of all truth, we cover ourselves with clothing of our false selves. Coverings that hide our true spiritual nature. Coverings that lie and avoid the truth. As we move closer to Easter Sunday, enable each of us to shed the coverings that hide the true person that we are in you, so that with you we may stand naked and resurrected. Amen