Wednesday, September 17, 2014

I AM - A Prayer


In the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit
Our most gracious Father in Heaven, in whom we live and move and have our being.
Despite our desire to know Your will for our lives, we realize that You are essentially all we need.
You graciously give everything without measure.
You guide us and lead us on the paths that we so aimlessly try to pave ourselves.
As we seek You this day, reveal to us who You are to us; a people that are unique, individual and sometimes isolated from the world around us.
Who are you to us, Lord?
Who are You?

Now, in the silence of this moment, hear the words of God speak deep into to your inner-self:

I AM your love
I AM your passion
I AM your commitment
I AM your desire
I AM your need to be validated
I AM your success
I AM your failures
I AM you motivation
I AM your creativity
I AM your imagination
I AM your endurance and energy
I AM your perseverance
I AM your planning and preparations
I AM your satisfaction
I AM your contentment
I AM your serenity
I AM your confusion
I AM your dreams
I AM your future, present and past
I AM your confusion and uncertainty
I AM your guidance and wisdom
I AM your your times of silence
I AM your noises of every day life 
I AM growing you
I AM moving within you
I AM         

Let us pray:

Lord, if your are in fact all of these things, and more, all that we need is You. Today we seek Your Kingdom and Your righteousness. Keep our focus ever on You, the center of our lives. And when we take our eyes off You, blind us from those things that distract, confuse, frustrate and leave our lives out of balance. 

We ask these prayers through the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen


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